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Breathtaking (2000)

Movies Detail of Breathtaking (2000)

✓ Title : Breathtaking
✓ Release Date : December 16th, 2000
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : David Green
✓ Cast : John Bennett, Joanne Whalley, Richard Strange, Moya Brady, Lorraine Pilkington, Claire Cathcart, Neil Dudgeon, Gaynor Barrett, Jackie Clune, Emily Corrie

Synopsis of Breathtaking (2000)

A beautiful psychiatrist befriends an abused patient, ultimately leading to lust and murder.

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Well, Breathtaking (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Breathtaking (2000) itselft directed by David Green and Starring by John Bennett, Joanne Whalley, Richard Strange, Moya Brady, Lorraine Pilkington, Claire Cathcart, Neil Dudgeon, Gaynor Barrett, Jackie Clune, Emily Corrie which made Breathtaking (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Breathtaking (2000)

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