Movies Detail of I Can't Get Started (1985)
✓ Title : I Can't Get Started
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1985
✓ Cast : Wendy Hughes, John Waters
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1985
✓ Cast : Wendy Hughes, John Waters
Synopsis of I Can't Get Started (1985)
Stalwart aussie actor John Waters is wannabe-novelist Robert Marks. No one can fault his persistence and application in the past - he really wants the big-time bad. The day comes however when he realises his dream and with the royalties flooding in, new friends, a ramp-up in status and not the least, recognition as a precocious new talent, his life style changes. It's not the only thing to change however. He finds he's lost his creativity, the adrenalin has dried up. Is it writer's block or is he simply a one-hit wonder? Very capable supporting cast keep the story moving and the underplayed nature of the film itself makes it thoroughly watchable. Many worse than this to be sure!
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Well, I Can't Get Started (1985) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Can't Get Started (1985) itselft directed by and Starring by Wendy Hughes, John Waters which made I Can't Get Started (1985) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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