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Breathing Under Water (1993)

Movies Detail of Breathing Under Water (1993)

✓ Title : Breathing Under Water
✓ Release Date : May 15th, 1993
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Director : Susan Murphy Dermody
✓ Writer : Susan Murphy Dermody
✓ Companies : Ronin Films, Periscope Productions
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Anne-Louise Lambert, Maeve Dermody, Gabriel Andrews, David Argue, Kristoffer Greaves, Pauline Chan, Gillian Jones

Synopsis of Breathing Under Water (1993)

BREATHING UNDER WATER is the story of a woman's journey into an imaginary underworld city. The birth of her daughter into an increasingly perilous world has unsettled everything in Beatrice's (Anne Louise Lambert) life. Her growing unease prompts Beatrice to undertake a journey - an investigation into human nature, a confrontation with the fears of our time, and a search for clues that will ultimately give her an answer to the central riddle of the film: why has humankind set the stage for its own extinction? The director’s preoccupation with humankind’s tendency to self-destruct was one factor that lead to the creation of this complex film.

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Well, Breathing Under Water (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Breathing Under Water (1993) itselft directed by Susan Murphy Dermody and Starring by Anne-Louise Lambert, Maeve Dermody, Gabriel Andrews, David Argue, Kristoffer Greaves, Pauline Chan, Gillian Jones which made Breathing Under Water (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Breathing Under Water (1993)

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