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Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001)

Movies Detail of Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001)

✓ Title : Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent
✓ Release Date : April 13th, 2001
✓ Director : Carl Ulrich
✓ Writer : Simon Boisvert
✓ Cast : Simon Boisvert, Annick Desmarais, Natasha M. Leroux, Mélanie Elliott, Diana Lewis, André Ouellet, Dario Gasbarro, Sylvain Latendresse, Marie-France Elliott

Synopsis of Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001)

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Well, Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001) itselft directed by Carl Ulrich and Starring by Simon Boisvert, Annick Desmarais, Natasha M. Leroux, Mélanie Elliott, Diana Lewis, André Ouellet, Dario Gasbarro, Sylvain Latendresse, Marie-France Elliott which made Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Stephanie, Nathalie, Caroline & Vincent (2001)

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