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The Best Place to Be (2008)

Movies Detail of The Best Place to Be (2008)

✓ Title : The Best Place to Be
✓ Original Title : Beste Gegend
✓ Release Date : July 16th, 2008
✓ Genres : Drama, Action, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Marcus H. Rosenmüller
✓ Writer : Karin Michalke
✓ Companies : Bayerischer Rundfunk, Monaco Film
✓ Country : Austria
✓ Cast : Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Peter Mitterrutzner, Volker Bruch, Stefan Murr, Bettina Redlich, Rosalie Thomass, Andreas Giebel, Anna Maria Sturm, Florian Brückner, Johanna Bittenbinder

Synopsis of The Best Place to Be (2008)

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Well, The Best Place to Be (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Best Place to Be (2008) itselft directed by Marcus H. Rosenmüller and Starring by Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Peter Mitterrutzner, Volker Bruch, Stefan Murr, Bettina Redlich, Rosalie Thomass, Andreas Giebel, Anna Maria Sturm, Florian Brückner, Johanna Bittenbinder which made The Best Place to Be (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Best Place to Be (2008)

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