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Witchery (1988)

Movies Detail of Witchery (1988)

✓ Title : Witchery
✓ Original Title : La casa 4
✓ Release Date : December 1st, 1988
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Fabrizio Laurenti
✓ Writers : Harry Spalding, Daniele Stroppa
✓ Company : Filmirage
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Robert Champagne, Hildegard Knef, Catherine Hickland, David Hasselhoff, Leslie Cumming, Linda Blair, Annie Ross

Synopsis of Witchery (1988)

The deserted island hotel hides a dark and sinister secret. Hundreds of years ago a witch held sway there, dominating her coven and spreading an evil that has seeped deep into the earth. Two centuries later, a photographer and his virginal fiance sneak onto the island to research its gruesome history. Soon all will find themselves falling victim to a horror that has survived the ages....

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Well, Witchery (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Witchery (1988) itselft directed by Fabrizio Laurenti and Starring by Robert Champagne, Hildegard Knef, Catherine Hickland, David Hasselhoff, Leslie Cumming, Linda Blair, Annie Ross which made Witchery (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Witchery (1988)

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Download Trailer Film Witchery - A story about a monster, creature or mutant that terrorizes people. Usually, it fits into the horror genre, for instance, Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein. Shelleys Frankenstein is often also considered the first science fiction story (biological science reanimating the dead), but it does present a monstrous "creature". Other clear Monster stories are of the creatures of the Vampire, the Ghoul, the Werewolf, the Zombie, etc. Beings such as that depicted in Karloffs The Mummy would also qualify.

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