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Full Metal Jacket (1987)

Movies Detail of Full Metal Jacket (1987)

✓ Title : Full Metal Jacket
✓ Release Date : June 26th, 1987
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 117 minutes
✓ Directors : Stanley Kubrick, Terry Needham, Chris Thompson
✓ Writers : Stanley Kubrick, Gustav Hasford, Gustav Hasford, Michael Herr
✓ Companies : Natant, Stanley Kubrick Productions, Warner Bros. Pictures
✓ Countries : United Kingdom, United States of America
✓ Cast : R. Lee Ermey, Bruce Boa, Vincent D'Onofrio, John Terry, Kevyn Major Howard, Matthew Modine, Ed O'Ross, Arliss Howard, Dorian Harewood, Adam Baldwin

Synopsis of Full Metal Jacket (1987)

A pragmatic U.S. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the U.S.-Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue.

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Well, Full Metal Jacket (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Full Metal Jacket (1987) itselft directed by Stanley Kubrick, Terry Needham, Chris Thompson and Starring by R. Lee Ermey, Bruce Boa, Vincent D'Onofrio, John Terry, Kevyn Major Howard, Matthew Modine, Ed O'Ross, Arliss Howard, Dorian Harewood, Adam Baldwin which made Full Metal Jacket (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Full Metal Jacket (1987)

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