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Why Did We Lose the War? (1978)

Movies Detail of Why Did We Lose the War? (1978)

✓ Title : Why Did We Lose the War?
✓ Original Title : Por qué perdimos la guerra
✓ Release Date : April 2nd, 1978
✓ Genre : Documentary
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Diego Abad de Santillán, Francisco Galindo
✓ Writers : Diego Abad de Santillán, Diego Abad de Santillán
✓ Companies : francisco galindo cine S.A., Eguiluz Films
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Fray Bonifacio Ataun, Juan Manuel Molina, Julián Gorkin, Vicente Guarner, Iñaqui de Azpiazu, Diego Abad de Santillán, Manuel de Irujo, Eduardo de Guzmán, Valentín González, Claudio Sánchez Albornoz

Synopsis of Why Did We Lose the War? (1978)

A documentary about how Republican forces lost to Franco in the Spanish Civil War.

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Well, Why Did We Lose the War? (1978) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Why Did We Lose the War? (1978) itselft directed by Diego Abad de Santillán, Francisco Galindo and Starring by Fray Bonifacio Ataun, Juan Manuel Molina, Julián Gorkin, Vicente Guarner, Iñaqui de Azpiazu, Diego Abad de Santillán, Manuel de Irujo, Eduardo de Guzmán, Valentín González, Claudio Sánchez Albornoz which made Why Did We Lose the War? (1978) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Why Did We Lose the War? (1978)

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