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Landscape (2000)

Movies Detail of Landscape (2000)

✓ Title : Landscape
✓ Original Title : Krajinka
✓ Release Date : September 9th, 2000
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : Martin Šulík
✓ Writers : Martin Šulík, Dušan Dušek
✓ Companies : Charlie's Bratislava, In Film Praha, Česká televize, Titanic, Slovenská televízia
✓ Countries : Italy, Slovakia, Czech Republic
✓ Cast : Anton Vaculík, Marián Labuda, Lukas Miskovic, Csongor Kassai, Vilma Cibulková, Juraj Paulen, Jakub Rada, Věra Galatíková, Jiří Pecha, Ivan Martinka

Synopsis of Landscape (2000)

Ten short unrelated stories that move chronologically through Slovakia's twentieth-century history as seen from the perspective of life in small towns and villages.

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Well, Landscape (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Landscape (2000) itselft directed by Martin Šulík and Starring by Anton Vaculík, Marián Labuda, Lukas Miskovic, Csongor Kassai, Vilma Cibulková, Juraj Paulen, Jakub Rada, Věra Galatíková, Jiří Pecha, Ivan Martinka which made Landscape (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Landscape (2000)

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