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Running on Empty (1982)

Movies Detail of Running on Empty (1982)

✓ Title : Running on Empty
✓ Release Date : August 5th, 1982
✓ Genres : Action, Drama
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Director : John Clark
✓ Writer : Barry Tomblin
✓ Country : Australia
✓ Cast : Deborah Conway, Warren Blondell, Vangelis Mourikis, Terry Serio, Kristoffer Greaves, Grahame Bond, Peter Davies, Paul Johnstone, Bob Barrett, Jon Darling

Synopsis of Running on Empty (1982)

Mike loves his fast cars and his hot women. When he fancies the girlfriend of the local street racing king, Fox, he gets way in over his head in racing for his girl, his money and his life. Through racing, sex, nightclubs and small road trips the film depicts what it was like to be a teenager in Australia in the 1980's.

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Well, Running on Empty (1982) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Running on Empty (1982) itselft directed by John Clark and Starring by Deborah Conway, Warren Blondell, Vangelis Mourikis, Terry Serio, Kristoffer Greaves, Grahame Bond, Peter Davies, Paul Johnstone, Bob Barrett, Jon Darling which made Running on Empty (1982) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Running on Empty (1982)

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