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The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006)

Movies Detail of The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006)

✓ Title : The Legend of Tillamook's Gold
✓ Release Date : April 23rd, 2006
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Jane Beaumont Hall
✓ Cast : Brian Thompson, Suzanne Marie Doyon, Brian McNamara, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Julia Campbell, Max Gail

Synopsis of The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006)

Julie, a lonely fourteen year old girl, moves to Manzanita, an Oregon seaside town, from Los Angeles after her writer father, Robert, loses his job. Her family, including mother Kathryn and older sister Susan, has trouble adjusting to life in a small town. Julie parents struggle with her father's unemployment and her sister, Susan, finds solace in a summer fling with Tom.

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Well, The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006) itselft directed by Jane Beaumont Hall and Starring by Brian Thompson, Suzanne Marie Doyon, Brian McNamara, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Julia Campbell, Max Gail which made The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Legend of Tillamook's Gold (2006)

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