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An Italian Romance (2004)

Movies Detail of An Italian Romance (2004)

✓ Title : An Italian Romance
✓ Original Title : L'amore ritrovato
✓ Release Date : September 17th, 2004
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Carlo Mazzacurati
✓ Writers : Doriana Leondeff, Carlo Mazzacurati, Claudio Piersanti, Carlo Cassola
✓ Companies : Medusa Film, Canal+
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Roberto Citran, Marie-Christine Descouard, Pietro Fornaciari, Giacomo La Rosa, Luisanna Pandolfi, Stefano Accorsi, Claude Lemaire, Maya Sansa, Marco Messeri, Anne Canovas

Synopsis of An Italian Romance (2004)

Giovanni, a married man with a child, meets on a train Maria, a former lover.

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Well, An Italian Romance (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The An Italian Romance (2004) itselft directed by Carlo Mazzacurati and Starring by Roberto Citran, Marie-Christine Descouard, Pietro Fornaciari, Giacomo La Rosa, Luisanna Pandolfi, Stefano Accorsi, Claude Lemaire, Maya Sansa, Marco Messeri, Anne Canovas which made An Italian Romance (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

An Italian Romance (2004)

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