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Where Are Their Stories? (2007)

Movies Detail of Where Are Their Stories? (2007)

✓ Title : Where Are Their Stories?
✓ Original Title : ¿Dónde están sus historias?
✓ Release Date : October 9th, 2007
✓ Runtime : 73 minutes
✓ Director : Nicolás Pereda
✓ Country : Mexico
✓ Cast : Juana Rodriguez, Gabino Rodríguez

Synopsis of Where Are Their Stories? (2007)

Vicente (Gabino Rodríguez) is a young farmer in a rural village who scrapes by while taking care of his ill grandmother. Several of Vicente’s uncles intend to their ailing mother’s land without her knowledge. Vicente seeks help from the municipal president who, between shooting hoops on a desolate court, tells him that if he wants justice, he must head to the capital to meet with government officials. Although he hasn’t seen her since he was a child, Vicente sets off in search of his mother, who works as a maid in maze-like Mexico City. With the help of his mother’s employer, a sophisticated middle-aged woman, he finds the government offices where he presents his case. His situation isn’t easily resolved, especially since he does not have the deed to his grandmother’s plot of land, and Vicente finds the complexities of the legal system to be completely overwhelming.

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Well, Where Are Their Stories? (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Where Are Their Stories? (2007) itselft directed by Nicolás Pereda and Starring by Juana Rodriguez, Gabino Rodríguez which made Where Are Their Stories? (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Where Are Their Stories? (2007)

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