Movies Detail of The Fantasist (1986)
✓ Title : The Fantasist
✓ Release Date : August 1st, 1986
✓ Genres : Horror, Thriller, Crime, Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Directors : Robin Hardy, Laerke Sigfred Pedersen
✓ Writer : Robin Hardy
✓ Companies : New Irish Film Productions, ITC
✓ Countries : Ireland, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Jim Bartley, Bairbre Ní Chaoimh, Moira Sinise, Timothy Bottoms, John Kavanagh, Liam O'Callaghan, Mick Lally, Deirdre Donnelly, Christopher Cazenove, Ronan Wilmot
✓ Release Date : August 1st, 1986
✓ Genres : Horror, Thriller, Crime, Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Directors : Robin Hardy, Laerke Sigfred Pedersen
✓ Writer : Robin Hardy
✓ Companies : New Irish Film Productions, ITC
✓ Countries : Ireland, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Jim Bartley, Bairbre Ní Chaoimh, Moira Sinise, Timothy Bottoms, John Kavanagh, Liam O'Callaghan, Mick Lally, Deirdre Donnelly, Christopher Cazenove, Ronan Wilmot
Synopsis of The Fantasist (1986)
A young Dublin woman is stalked by a telephone charmer who poses victims nude and then stabs them.
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Well, The Fantasist (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Fantasist (1986) itselft directed by Robin Hardy, Laerke Sigfred Pedersen and Starring by Jim Bartley, Bairbre Ní Chaoimh, Moira Sinise, Timothy Bottoms, John Kavanagh, Liam O'Callaghan, Mick Lally, Deirdre Donnelly, Christopher Cazenove, Ronan Wilmot which made The Fantasist (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ The Fantasist Movie Download Low Quality - Literature that focuses on gangs, criminal organizations that provide a level of organization, and resources that support much larger and more complex criminal transactions than an individual criminal could achieve. Gangsters are the subject of many movies, particularly from the period between 1986 and 1986. A revival of gangster type movies took place since the 1986 with the explosion of hip-hop culture. Unlike the earlier gangster films, the newer films share similar elements to the older films but is more in a hip-hop urban setting.
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◈ The Fantasist Complete Plot - A story that takes place in the real world, with real world people, but with several fictionalized or dramatized elements. This may or may not crossover with other genres; for example, fantasy fiction or science fiction may play a part, as is the case for instance with the novel George Washingtons Socks, which includes time travel elements.
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◈ The Fantasist Completa Español - A subgenre of fantasy that is primarily humorous in intent and tone. Usually set in imaginary worlds, comic fantasy often includes puns on and parodies of other works of fantasy. It is sometimes known as low fantasy in contrast to high fantasy, which is primarily serious in intent and tone. The term "low fantasy" is also used to represent other types of fantasy, so while comic fantasies may also correctly be classified as low fantasy, many examples of low fantasy are not comic in nature.
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◈ The Fantasist Movie Trailer Video - relates to the pre-digital, cultural period of 1986, including mid-century Modernism, the "Atomic Age", the "Space Age", Communism and paranoia in the US along with Soviet styling, underground cinema, Googie architecture, space and the Sputnik, moon landing, superhero-comics, art and radioactivity, the rise of the US military/industrial complex and the fall-out of Chernobyl. Communist analog atompunk is an ultimate lost world. The Fallout series of computer games is an excellent example of atompunk.
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