Movies Detail of Jack Brown: Genius (1994)
✓ Title : Jack Brown: Genius
✓ Release Date : July 11th, 1994
✓ Director : Tony Hiles
✓ Writers : Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Tony Hiles
✓ Cast : Marton Csokas, Ralph Johnson, Timothy Balme, Nicola Murphy, Lisa Chappell, Stuart Devenie, Eddie Campbell
✓ Release Date : July 11th, 1994
✓ Director : Tony Hiles
✓ Writers : Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Tony Hiles
✓ Cast : Marton Csokas, Ralph Johnson, Timothy Balme, Nicola Murphy, Lisa Chappell, Stuart Devenie, Eddie Campbell
Synopsis of Jack Brown: Genius (1994)
A thousand years ago, in England, the crazy monk Elmer wears a pair of wings and tries to fly from a high tower. He dies, and his soul is doomed to the eternity in hell for committing suicide. In the present days, in New Zeland, Elmer has the last chance to prove that men can fly and save his soul: his spirit enters in the brain of a very intelligent inventor, Jack Brown, and forces him to try to fly. Jack uses his last creation, an amplifier in a tape record, to succeed in the journey, but his invention is strongly desired by his former boss and his lover, who want to sell it to a Chinese investor. Jack's girlfriend helps him to accomplish his intent.
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Well, Jack Brown: Genius (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Jack Brown: Genius (1994) itselft directed by Tony Hiles and Starring by Marton Csokas, Ralph Johnson, Timothy Balme, Nicola Murphy, Lisa Chappell, Stuart Devenie, Eddie Campbell which made Jack Brown: Genius (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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