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Call of the Vampire (1972)

Movies Detail of Call of the Vampire (1972)

✓ Title : Call of the Vampire
✓ Original Title : La llamada del vampiro
✓ Release Date : December 16th, 1972
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Directors : José María Elorrieta, Enrique Pérez de Gomara
✓ Writers : José María Elorrieta, José María Elorrieta, Enrique González Macho, Enrique González Macho, Fermín Sandoval, Fermín Sandoval
✓ Companies : Seseña Films, Lacy Internacional Films, Arco Film
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Susan Taff, Diana Sorel, Rafael Vaquero, Rosario Royo, Antonio Jiménez Escribano, Inés Morales, Loreta Tovar, Beatriz Elorrieta, Nicholas Ney, José Villasante

Synopsis of Call of the Vampire (1972)

A small rural Spanish village of the present is haunted by vampires. Dr.Dora Maeterlick is called to a nearby castle to cure the father of Baron Carl von Rysselbert who suffers from a strange blood disease. Erika, assistant to Doctor, falls in love with Carl. But Carl is a vampire and pretty soon he makes Erika his vampire bride. From now on Dr.Maeterlick plunges into a nightmarish whirl of dark happenings...

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Well, Call of the Vampire (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Call of the Vampire (1972) itselft directed by José María Elorrieta, Enrique Pérez de Gomara and Starring by Susan Taff, Diana Sorel, Rafael Vaquero, Rosario Royo, Antonio Jiménez Escribano, Inés Morales, Loreta Tovar, Beatriz Elorrieta, Nicholas Ney, José Villasante which made Call of the Vampire (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Call of the Vampire (1972)

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