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Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997)

Movies Detail of Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997)

✓ Title : Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play
✓ Release Date : February 11th, 1997
✓ Director : Ted Nicolaou
✓ Writers : Frank Dietz, Ken Carter, Michael McGann
✓ Companies : Full Moon Entertainment, Moonbeam Entertainment, Castel Film
✓ Countries : Romania, United States of America
✓ Cast : Bryan J. Terrill, David Brooks, Godfrey James, Saxon Trainor, Eileen T'Kaye, Ion Haiduc, Kevin Wixted, Eugen Cristian Motriuc, Gerrit Graham, Jamie Renée Smith

Synopsis of Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997)

Dr Tuttle uses the Doppelganger to breach a mirror, letting Dragora, Dabble and Swanson into the people world. Dragora uses this opportunity to get revenge on Mary Margaret, by way of having her over for tea.

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Well, Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997) itselft directed by Ted Nicolaou and Starring by Bryan J. Terrill, David Brooks, Godfrey James, Saxon Trainor, Eileen T'Kaye, Ion Haiduc, Kevin Wixted, Eugen Cristian Motriuc, Gerrit Graham, Jamie Renée Smith which made Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Magic in the Mirror: Fowl Play (1997)

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