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Marseille (2004)

Movies Detail of Marseille (2004)

✓ Title : Marseille
✓ Release Date : September 23rd, 2004
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Angela Schanelec
✓ Writer : Angela Schanelec
✓ Company : Schramm Film
✓ Countries : France, Germany
✓ Cast : Wolfgang Michael, Devid Striesow, Alexis Loret, Emily Atef, Louis Schanelec, Maren Eggert, Marie-Lou Sellem, Sophie Aigner, Friederike Kammer

Synopsis of Marseille (2004)

Sophie, a young photographer, exchanges her apartment with a student from Marseille. It is February and Marseille seems harsh and closed in the bright sun. Sophie dives into the city, she is alone, she takes photographs. In an auto-repair garage, she asks a young mechanic, Pierre, if he can get her a car. Two days later they meet again and spend the evening in a bar, captivated by the lightness of not knowing anything about each other. Sophie is happy. When she returns to Berlin, she is immediately immersed again in her former life. Her love for Ivan, the husband of her best friend Hanna, remains undeclared and the relationship between Hanna and Ivan seems to dominate. Sophie remains on the outside, yearns to leave, and decides to travel to Marseille for a second time.

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Well, Marseille (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Marseille (2004) itselft directed by Angela Schanelec and Starring by Wolfgang Michael, Devid Striesow, Alexis Loret, Emily Atef, Louis Schanelec, Maren Eggert, Marie-Lou Sellem, Sophie Aigner, Friederike Kammer which made Marseille (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Marseille (2004)

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