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Kid Vengeance (1977)

Movies Detail of Kid Vengeance (1977)

✓ Title : Kid Vengeance
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1977
✓ Genre : Western
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Joseph Manduke
✓ Writers : James Telfer, Ken Globus, Ken Globus, Bud Robbins
✓ Companies : The Irwin Yablans Company, Golan-Globus Productions
✓ Countries : Israel, Italy
✓ Cast : Lee Van Cleef, Timothy Scott, Matt Clark, Glynnis O'Connor, Leif Garrett, Richard Vanstone, John Marley, David Loden, Jim Brown, Dalia Penn

Synopsis of Kid Vengeance (1977)

One of Cannon Films' two 1976 Italian-Israeli co-productions starring Lee Van Cleef and Leif Garrett (Gianfranco Parolini's Pistola di Dio was the other), this spaghetti western was actually shot in the Middle East by American director Joseph Manduke. Pop star Garrett plays Tom, a teenager who teams with a black gunfighter named Isaac (Jim Brown) to avenge his family. The culprit was McClain (Van Cleef), a sadistic outlaw who carried out the brutal rape-massacre, but his role is minor, as most of the film deals with Tom's maturation and coming to terms with his feelings. Omnipresent 1970s character actors Glynnis O'Connor and John Marley co-star. If there is anything remarkable about Kid Vengeance, it is Francesco Masi's fine musical score, but the film is otherwise anemic.

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Well, Kid Vengeance (1977) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kid Vengeance (1977) itselft directed by Joseph Manduke and Starring by Lee Van Cleef, Timothy Scott, Matt Clark, Glynnis O'Connor, Leif Garrett, Richard Vanstone, John Marley, David Loden, Jim Brown, Dalia Penn which made Kid Vengeance (1977) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Kid Vengeance (1977)

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