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Casanova's (2020)

Movies Detail of Casanova's (2020)

✓ Title : Casanova's
✓ Release Date : October 8th, 2020
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Jamel Aattache
✓ Writers : Jamel Aattache, Michiel Peereboom
✓ Cast : Truus de Boer, Lieke van Lexmond, Birgit Schuurman, Roeland Fernhout, Jouman Fattal, Melissa Drost, Leo Alkemade, Jim Bakkum, Sergio IJssel, Tygo Gernandt

Synopsis of Casanova's (2020)

'Casanova's' is a film about the insecure and timid journalist Bas (Jim Bakkum) who has to go undercover to unmask a mysterious dating coach. This dating coach has written a bestseller and now comes with a second book and workshop that he claims can transform incompetent men into real casanovas within three days.

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Well, Casanova's (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Casanova's (2020) itselft directed by Jamel Aattache and Starring by Truus de Boer, Lieke van Lexmond, Birgit Schuurman, Roeland Fernhout, Jouman Fattal, Melissa Drost, Leo Alkemade, Jim Bakkum, Sergio IJssel, Tygo Gernandt which made Casanova's (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Casanova's (2020)

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