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National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010)

Movies Detail of National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010)

✓ Title : National Theatre Live: Hamlet
✓ Release Date : December 9th, 2010
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Nicholas Hytner
✓ Writer : William Shakespeare
✓ Company : National Theatre Live
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Marcus Cunningham, Rory Kinnear, Alex Lanipekun, James Laurenson, Matthew Barker, David Calder, Clare Higgins, Ferdinand Kingsley, Richie Hart, Jake Fairbrother

Synopsis of National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010)

National Theatre Live’s 2010 broadcast of Hamlet returns to cinemas as part of the National Theatre's 50th anniversary celebrations. Following his celebrated performances at the National Theatre in Burnt by the Sun, The Revenger's Tragedy, Philistines and The Man of Mode, Rory Kinnear plays Hamlet in a dynamic new production of Shakespeare’s complex and profound play about the human condition, directed by Nicholas Hytner. He is joined by Clare Higgins (Gertrude), Patrick Malahide (Claudius), David Calder (Polonius), James Laurenson (Ghost/Player King) and Ruth Negga (Ophelia).

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Well, National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010) itselft directed by Nicholas Hytner and Starring by Marcus Cunningham, Rory Kinnear, Alex Lanipekun, James Laurenson, Matthew Barker, David Calder, Clare Higgins, Ferdinand Kingsley, Richie Hart, Jake Fairbrother which made National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

National Theatre Live: Hamlet (2010)

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