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Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015)

Movies Detail of Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015)

✓ Title : Dead Rising: Watchtower
✓ Original Title : Dead Rising
✓ Release Date : March 27th, 2015
✓ Genres : Horror, Science Fiction, Action
✓ Runtime : 118 minutes
✓ Director : Zach Lipovsky
✓ Writer : Tim Carter
✓ Companies : Di Bonaventura Pictures, Contradiction Films, Dead Rising Productions, Legendary Digital Media
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Keegan Connor Tracy, Jesse Metcalfe, Dennis Haysbert, Gary Jones, Aleks Paunovic, Virginia Madsen, Carrie Genzel, Reese Alexander, Meghan Ory, Rob Riggle

Synopsis of Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015)

Based on the game, Dead Rising takes place during a large-scale zombie outbreak. When a mandatory government vaccine fails to stop the infection from spreading, the four leads must evade infection while also pursuing the root of the epidemic, with all signs pointing to a government conspiracy.

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Well, Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015) itselft directed by Zach Lipovsky and Starring by Keegan Connor Tracy, Jesse Metcalfe, Dennis Haysbert, Gary Jones, Aleks Paunovic, Virginia Madsen, Carrie Genzel, Reese Alexander, Meghan Ory, Rob Riggle which made Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dead Rising: Watchtower (2015)

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Streaming Complet Dead Rising: Watchtower - A horror story about a protagonist in a risky and life-threatening situation that they must endure, often as a result of things such as zombies or other monsters, and the rest of the plot is how the main characters overcome this.

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