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Un Dios prohibido (2013)

Movies Detail of Un Dios prohibido (2013)

✓ Title : Un Dios prohibido
✓ Release Date : June 14th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 133 minutes
✓ Directors : Pablo Moreno, María Esparcia, Daniel Blasco, Anna Rodríguez
✓ Writer : Juanjo Díaz Polo
✓ Company : Contracorriente Producciones SLU
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Guido Balzaretti, Elena Furiase, Jerónimo Salas, Emma Caballero, Eneko Capapay, Ainhoa Aldanondo, Chema Coloma, Álex Larumbe, Iñigo Etayo, Jacobo Muñoz

Synopsis of Un Dios prohibido (2013)

August 1936, the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. 51 members of the Claretian community of Barbastro (Huesca) are martyred, die for their faith. The film recounts the last weeks of his life, since they are held until they are finally shot. During that time, they perform various writings they talk about their situation, of his fellow captives, people who saw them. These writings have been the basic testimony used to narrate this real fact in film version.

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Well, Un Dios prohibido (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Un Dios prohibido (2013) itselft directed by Pablo Moreno, María Esparcia, Daniel Blasco, Anna Rodríguez and Starring by Guido Balzaretti, Elena Furiase, Jerónimo Salas, Emma Caballero, Eneko Capapay, Ainhoa Aldanondo, Chema Coloma, Álex Larumbe, Iñigo Etayo, Jacobo Muñoz which made Un Dios prohibido (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Un Dios prohibido (2013)

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