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Ponette (1996)

Movies Detail of Ponette (1996)

✓ Title : Ponette
✓ Release Date : September 25th, 1996
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Directors : Marie de Laubier, Jacques Doillon, Emmanuel Rigaut, Sandrine Revet
✓ Writer : Jacques Doillon
✓ Companies : Les Films Alain Sarde, Rhône-Alpes Cinéma, Centre Européen Cinématographique Rhône-Alpes, CNC, Canal+
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Carla Ibled, Delphine Schiltz, Luckie Royer, Claire Nebout, Victoire Thivisol, Matiaz Bureau Caton, Léopoldine Serre, Aurélie Vérillon, Xavier Beauvois, Marie Trintignant

Synopsis of Ponette (1996)

A four-year-old girl must come to terms with the loss of her mother and the reality of death in this award-winning French drama. Little Ponette (Victoire Thivisol) is riding in a car with her mother when they're involved in a serious accident; Ponette survives, but her mother does not. Her father (Xavier Beauvois) initially reacts with anger over his late wife's careless driving, while her Aunt Claire (Claire Nebout) tries to comfort the child by telling her about Jesus and the resurrection. However, none of this does much to reassure Ponette or clarify her confusion about the practical realities and spiritual dilemma posed by death. In time, Ponette and her cousins Matiaz (Matiaz Caton) and Delphine (Delphine Schiltz) are sent off to boarding school, where they have to resolve their confusion and loss on their own. ~Mark Deming, Rovi

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Well, Ponette (1996) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ponette (1996) itselft directed by Marie de Laubier, Jacques Doillon, Emmanuel Rigaut, Sandrine Revet and Starring by Carla Ibled, Delphine Schiltz, Luckie Royer, Claire Nebout, Victoire Thivisol, Matiaz Bureau Caton, Léopoldine Serre, Aurélie Vérillon, Xavier Beauvois, Marie Trintignant which made Ponette (1996) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ponette (1996)

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