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I Like Bats (1986)

Movies Detail of I Like Bats (1986)

✓ Title : I Like Bats
✓ Original Title : Lubię nietoperze
✓ Release Date : July 14th, 1986
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Director : Grzegorz Warchoł
✓ Writers : Grzegorz Warchoł, Krystyna Kofta
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Elżbieta Panas, Katarzyna Walter, Jonasz Kofta, Edwin Petrykat, Jan Prochyra, Małgorzata Lorentowicz, Slawomir Kozlowski, Tadeusz Skorulski, Andrzej Grabarczyk, Marek Barbasiewicz

Synopsis of I Like Bats (1986)

Izabella works at her aunt's shop in a small town in Poland. Police are after a man who rapes and kills women in the woods. The serial killer attacks her and when he asks for a kiss, she'll give him the kiss of death with pleasure..because she's actually a vampire woman!

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Well, I Like Bats (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Like Bats (1986) itselft directed by Grzegorz Warchoł and Starring by Elżbieta Panas, Katarzyna Walter, Jonasz Kofta, Edwin Petrykat, Jan Prochyra, Małgorzata Lorentowicz, Slawomir Kozlowski, Tadeusz Skorulski, Andrzej Grabarczyk, Marek Barbasiewicz which made I Like Bats (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I Like Bats (1986)

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