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Appassionata (1974)

Movies Detail of Appassionata (1974)

✓ Title : Appassionata
✓ Release Date : June 6th, 1974
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Gianluigi Calderone
✓ Writers : Alessandro Parenzo, Domenico Rafele, Gianluigi Calderone
✓ Company : Produzioni Atlas Consorziate
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Jeanne Martinovic, Ninetto Davoli, Carla Mancini, Eleonora Giorgi, Ornella Muti, Luigi Antonio Guerra, Renata Zamengo, Gabriele Ferzetti, Valentina Cortese

Synopsis of Appassionata (1974)

Two teenage friends conspire to find out how much their youthful sensuality can disrupt one of their households, headed by a dentist and his mentally-ill wife.

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Well, Appassionata (1974) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Appassionata (1974) itselft directed by Gianluigi Calderone and Starring by Jeanne Martinovic, Ninetto Davoli, Carla Mancini, Eleonora Giorgi, Ornella Muti, Luigi Antonio Guerra, Renata Zamengo, Gabriele Ferzetti, Valentina Cortese which made Appassionata (1974) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Appassionata (1974)

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