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Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995)

Movies Detail of Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995)

✓ Title : Who Killed Buddy Blue?
✓ Release Date : November 1st, 1995
✓ Genre : Crime
✓ Directors : Jennifer Marchese, Kimberly Eaton, Michael Melamed, Rich Schroeder, Judah Mezey, Traci Evans
✓ Writer : R.M. Johnson
✓ Cast : Lou Martini Jr., Kevin Spirtas, Tane McClure, Brian Heidik, Anthony Addabbo, Scott Atkinson, Kimber Sissons, Jacqueline Lovell, Leigh Betchley

Synopsis of Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995)

Detectives Munro and Sanders are assigned to investigate the murder of an adult film star named Buddy Blue. The hunk was actually killed during the shooting of an orgy scene.

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Well, Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995) itselft directed by Jennifer Marchese, Kimberly Eaton, Michael Melamed, Rich Schroeder, Judah Mezey, Traci Evans and Starring by Lou Martini Jr., Kevin Spirtas, Tane McClure, Brian Heidik, Anthony Addabbo, Scott Atkinson, Kimber Sissons, Jacqueline Lovell, Leigh Betchley which made Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Who Killed Buddy Blue? (1995)

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