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Het gezin van Paemel (1986)

Movies Detail of Het gezin van Paemel (1986)

✓ Title : Het gezin van Paemel
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1986
✓ Genres : History, Drama
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Paul Cammermans
✓ Cast : Chris Boni, Jan Decleir, Senne Rouffaer, Frank Aendenboom, Raymond Bossaerts, Walter Claessens, Camilia Blereau

Synopsis of Het gezin van Paemel (1986)

The family patriarch Van Paemel is a farmer on baron de Wilde's estate. His mild-mannered son Désire is accidentally shot during a hunting party on the estate and remains an invalid. Eduard, the eldest son, is a member of the socialist workers' movement and involved in strike actions in the city. Against her father's wishes, his daughter Cordule starts an affair with the poacher Masco. His youngest daughter, Romanie, is forced to work as a domestic servant at the castle, where she is seduced by Maurice, the baron's son and heir, and becomes pregnant. When the youngest son Kamiel also has to leave the farm because he is drafted into the army, the lack of workers on Van Paemel's farm becomes critical. As a result, the family is evicted from their home because they cannot pay the rent. Three of the children emigrate to the USA, one becomes a nun and one dies, until only the farmer and his wife remain.

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Well, Het gezin van Paemel (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Het gezin van Paemel (1986) itselft directed by Paul Cammermans and Starring by Chris Boni, Jan Decleir, Senne Rouffaer, Frank Aendenboom, Raymond Bossaerts, Walter Claessens, Camilia Blereau which made Het gezin van Paemel (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Het gezin van Paemel (1986)

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