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Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987)

Movies Detail of Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987)

✓ Title : Summer Nights on Planet Earth
✓ Original Title : Sommarkvällar på jorden
✓ Release Date : April 13th, 1987
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : Gunnel Lindblom
✓ Writers : Gunnel Lindblom, Agneta Pleijel
✓ Companies : Svenska Filminstitutet, SVT, Spice Filmproduktion
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Margaretha Byström, Harriet Andersson, Per Mattsson, Ulf Johanson, Inga-Lill Andersson, Leif Ahrle, Mona Malm, Sif Ruud

Synopsis of Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987)

A long flashback of an author and his relationship to an actress. Existential questions with no answers.

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Well, Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987) itselft directed by Gunnel Lindblom and Starring by Margaretha Byström, Harriet Andersson, Per Mattsson, Ulf Johanson, Inga-Lill Andersson, Leif Ahrle, Mona Malm, Sif Ruud which made Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Summer Nights on Planet Earth (1987)

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