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The Way Out (2014)

Movies Detail of The Way Out (2014)

✓ Title : The Way Out
✓ Original Title : Cesta ven
✓ Release Date : May 29th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 103 minutes
✓ Director : Petr Václav
✓ Writer : Petr Václav
✓ Companies : Moloko Film, Česká televize, Cinéma Defacto
✓ Countries : France, Czech Republic
✓ Cast : David Ištok, Mária Ferencová-Zajacová, Klaudia Dudová, Milan Cifra

Synopsis of The Way Out (2014)

The Way Out tells a story of a young Romani couple, Zaneta and David, the parents of little Janicka. Their efforts to live a decent and dignified life run up against the "Romani social trap," which is racism, the society's prejudices, exclusion from opportunities to obtain legal work, the lack of necessary qualifications, difficult communication with officials, debts and the miserable life conditions connected with the environment, lifestyle and traditional values of their ethnicity. David wants to protect his family, even at the expense of committing a crime. But Zaneta finds inner strength to defy the unfavorable situation in a different way. Will they overcome the existential problems that start to take apart their relationship? Is it worthwhile for them to continue to Honor their own values and family traditions? And will their "way out" be only another "escape" for them, or a promise to change their lives?

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Well, The Way Out (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Way Out (2014) itselft directed by Petr Václav and Starring by David Ištok, Mária Ferencová-Zajacová, Klaudia Dudová, Milan Cifra which made The Way Out (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Way Out (2014)

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