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Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984)

Movies Detail of Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984)

✓ Title : Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω
✓ Release Date : June 21st, 1984
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 137 minutes
✓ Directors : Andreas Katsimitsoulias, Yiannis Hartomatzidis
✓ Writers : Lakis Mihailidis, Athina Partheni, Dimitra Partheni
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Teta Douzou, Stathis Psaltis, Kaiti Finou

Synopsis of Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984)

After numerous fruitless attempts to get a job, an outspoken unemployed Greek, Michalis Vidas, is eventually taken in for a psychological evaluation by an unlucky twist of fate. However, pretty soon, things will take an unexpected turn for the better, when a precious positive assessment of his mental state lands him a job at a pasta factory on the brink of bankruptcy, and a place in the heart of the charming co-owner, Lola. Now, who would have thought that adding just a dash of folly could open doors for the young man?

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Well, Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984) itselft directed by Andreas Katsimitsoulias, Yiannis Hartomatzidis and Starring by Teta Douzou, Stathis Psaltis, Kaiti Finou which made Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Τρελός είμαι ότι θέλω κάνω (1984)

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