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Short Stay (2016)

Movies Detail of Short Stay (2016)

✓ Title : Short Stay
✓ Release Date : February 12th, 2016
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 61 minutes
✓ Director : Ted Fendt
✓ Writer : Ted Fendt
✓ Cast : Elizabeth Soltan, Marta Sicinska, Meaghan Lydon, Mike MacCherone, Dan Faro, Calvin Engime, Rob Fini, Mark Simmons

Synopsis of Short Stay (2016)

Mike may always be wandering, but you’d hardly call him a man on the move. His stamping ground is modest, the strip of suburbia between his mom’s house in New Jersey and the pizza place where he works. Mike’s no great conversationalist and isn’t big on direction either, preferring to let things happen than making them happen himself. Feeding a neighbour’s dog, bumping into a friend, catching a hockey game: all just different reasons to trudge along the same wintry streets, unhurried, ungainly, alone. One day, opportunity knocks. Mike bumps into his old school friend Mark, who asks Mike to take over his walking tour job and Philadelphia apartment during his trip to Poland. A change of season, a change of scene, a change of fortune? The streets Mike now wanders through are different and the sun is shining, but otherwise it’s the same old story: new people and new encounters, laced with the usual awkwardness and inertia.

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Well, Short Stay (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Short Stay (2016) itselft directed by Ted Fendt and Starring by Elizabeth Soltan, Marta Sicinska, Meaghan Lydon, Mike MacCherone, Dan Faro, Calvin Engime, Rob Fini, Mark Simmons which made Short Stay (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Short Stay (2016)

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