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Five Days in June (1989)

Movies Detail of Five Days in June (1989)

✓ Title : Five Days in June
✓ Original Title : Cinq jours en juin
✓ Release Date : March 1st, 1989
✓ Genres : Romance, Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Director : Michel Legrand
✓ Writers : Michel Legrand, Pierre Uytterhoeven, Benjamin Legrand
✓ Companies : Compagnie Française Cinématographique (CFC), Antenne 2, Lux Compagnie Cinématographique de France
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Annie Girardot, Jean-Jacques Moreau, Nathalie Nerval, Bernard Lavalette, Sabine Azéma, André Weber, Bradley Cole, Christoph Moosbrugger, Matthieu Rozé

Synopsis of Five Days in June (1989)

A romantic story about a few days from the life of Michel Legrand told by himself.

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Well, Five Days in June (1989) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Five Days in June (1989) itselft directed by Michel Legrand and Starring by Annie Girardot, Jean-Jacques Moreau, Nathalie Nerval, Bernard Lavalette, Sabine Azéma, André Weber, Bradley Cole, Christoph Moosbrugger, Matthieu Rozé which made Five Days in June (1989) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Five Days in June (1989)

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