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Sally and Freedom (1981)

Movies Detail of Sally and Freedom (1981)

✓ Title : Sally and Freedom
✓ Original Title : Sally och friheten
✓ Release Date : February 27th, 1981
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Directors : Gunnel Lindblom, Anne von Sydow, Pia Forsgren
✓ Writer : Margareta Garpe
✓ Companies : Cinematograph AB, Sandrews, Svenska Filminstitutet
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Leif Ahrle, Oscar Ljung, Gunnel Lindblom, Ewa Fröling, Kim Anderzon, Lise-Lotte Nilsson, Susanne Tiger, Svea Holst, Hans Wigren, Gunn Wållgren

Synopsis of Sally and Freedom (1981)

Sally, a 28-year-old social worker who has just broken up from a ten-year marriage. She seeks freedom, but has trouble living alone. She soon finds a new man, lawyer Jonas, but Sally knows that the past is chasing her and do things more difficult for her freedom quest.

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Well, Sally and Freedom (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sally and Freedom (1981) itselft directed by Gunnel Lindblom, Anne von Sydow, Pia Forsgren and Starring by Leif Ahrle, Oscar Ljung, Gunnel Lindblom, Ewa Fröling, Kim Anderzon, Lise-Lotte Nilsson, Susanne Tiger, Svea Holst, Hans Wigren, Gunn Wållgren which made Sally and Freedom (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sally and Freedom (1981)

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