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Making Up! (1993)

Movies Detail of Making Up! (1993)

✓ Title : Making Up!
✓ Original Title : Abgeschminkt!
✓ Release Date : February 18th, 1993
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 55 minutes
✓ Director : Katja von Garnier
✓ Writer : Katja von Garnier
✓ Company : Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München
✓ Country : Germany
✓ Cast : Jochen Nickel, Jophi Ries, Max Tidof, Nina Kronjäger, Daniela Amavia, Peter Sattmann, Katja Riemann, Gedeon Burkhard

Synopsis of Making Up! (1993)

An original satire about women of the 90s in search of the men of their dreams. Franzy believes she's through with men, but desperately needs new amorous story lines for the comic strip she writes for a newspaper. So she observes her friend Maischa struggling to satisfy her need for love -- and someone who knows how to install her new shelf. Since joiner Klaus demands too much attention, she sets her eyes on the good-looking footballer Rene.

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Well, Making Up! (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Making Up! (1993) itselft directed by Katja von Garnier and Starring by Jochen Nickel, Jophi Ries, Max Tidof, Nina Kronjäger, Daniela Amavia, Peter Sattmann, Katja Riemann, Gedeon Burkhard which made Making Up! (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Making Up! (1993)

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