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Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003)

Movies Detail of Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003)

✓ Title : Mary, Mother of the Son of God
✓ Original Title : Maria, Mãe do Filho de Deus
✓ Release Date : October 10th, 2003
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Moacyr Góes
✓ Writers : Moacyr Góes, Thiego Balteiro, Marta Borges, Marco Ribas de Farias, Maria de Souza
✓ Companies : Movie Rio and Diler & Associados, Columbia Pictures, Globo Filmes
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Ana Beatriz Cisneiros, Giovanna Antonelli, Eugenio Bretas, José Wilker, Expedito Barreira, Cláudio Gabriel, José Dumont, Padre Marcelo Rossi, Bruno Cariati, Luigi Baricelli

Synopsis of Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003)

Maria Auxiliadora is a 24 year-old woman very poor, that she lives Joana, her 7 year-old daughter close to. Needing go look for the result of Joana's exam in the hospital, Maria asks the priest of the local church that takes care of her to return. In spite of Joana's insistence to go with the mother Maria insists that she is with the priest, because she distrusts that her daughter suffers of a serious disease. To entertain the girl while it awaits the mother's return, the priest decides to tell her a mother's history that dedicated her life to the son: Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.

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Well, Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003) itselft directed by Moacyr Góes and Starring by Ana Beatriz Cisneiros, Giovanna Antonelli, Eugenio Bretas, José Wilker, Expedito Barreira, Cláudio Gabriel, José Dumont, Padre Marcelo Rossi, Bruno Cariati, Luigi Baricelli which made Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mary, Mother of the Son of God (2003)

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