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Ill: Final Contagium (2019)

Movies Detail of Ill: Final Contagium (2019)

✓ Title : Ill: Final Contagium
✓ Release Date : October 15th, 2019
✓ Genres : Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Directors : Domiziano Cristopharo, Lucio A. Rojas, Kai E. Bogatzki, Lorenzo Zanoni
✓ Writers : Domiziano Cristopharo, Lucio A. Rojas, Kai E. Bogatzki, Ximena del Solar, Lorenzo Zanoni
✓ Companies : Border Motion Cinema, The Peacock's Tale
✓ Countries : Chile, Germany, Italy
✓ Cast : Rayloren Mata, Felipe Ríos, Max Evans, Ximena del Solar, Arianna Bonardi, Tommaso Arnaldi, Francesco Giannotti, Chiara Pavoni, Giorgio Agri

Synopsis of Ill: Final Contagium (2019)

An anthology film that features four segments. Contagium: The beginning of a global pandemic originated by the macabre experiment of a military scientist. Gully: The calvary of a young man who, as a result of his ambition, is the victim of a painful metamorphosis. The Body: The martyrdom suffered by a woman obsessed with beauty and who resorts to a home cosmetic surgery in order to save money. The Cabin: A post-apocalyptic era in which money becomes the only means that can allow the infected to stay alive.

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Well, Ill: Final Contagium (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ill: Final Contagium (2019) itselft directed by Domiziano Cristopharo, Lucio A. Rojas, Kai E. Bogatzki, Lorenzo Zanoni and Starring by Rayloren Mata, Felipe Ríos, Max Evans, Ximena del Solar, Arianna Bonardi, Tommaso Arnaldi, Francesco Giannotti, Chiara Pavoni, Giorgio Agri which made Ill: Final Contagium (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ill: Final Contagium (2019)

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