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It All Begins at Sea (2008)

Movies Detail of It All Begins at Sea (2008)

✓ Title : It All Begins at Sea
✓ Original Title : Hakol Mat'hil Bayam
✓ Release Date : December 18th, 2008
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Eitan Green
✓ Writer : Eitan Green
✓ Company : July August Productions
✓ Country : Israel
✓ Cast : Ron Jaegermann, Yuval Segal, Dorit Lev-Ari, Ron Gur-Arieh

Synopsis of It All Begins at Sea (2008)

IT ALL BEGINS AT SEA is a drama with a few comic relieves, that tells 3 stories of the same 3 characters. In the first story, a 6 years old, goes to the beach with his parents. In the second story he is already 12 and out with his classmates on a fieldtrip, and in the last story he is 14 and moves with his family to a new apartment. In each story, a dramatic incident makes a change in the plot. .

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Well, It All Begins at Sea (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The It All Begins at Sea (2008) itselft directed by Eitan Green and Starring by Ron Jaegermann, Yuval Segal, Dorit Lev-Ari, Ron Gur-Arieh which made It All Begins at Sea (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

It All Begins at Sea (2008)

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