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La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003)

Movies Detail of La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003)

✓ Title : La Commune (Paris, 1871)
✓ Release Date : July 3rd, 2003
✓ Genres : War, Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 345 minutes
✓ Directors : Peter Watkins, Romuald Weber
✓ Writers : Peter Watkins, Agathe Bluysen
✓ Companies : 13 Productions, La Sept-Arte, Musée d'Orsay
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Piotr Daskiewicz, Nicole Defer, Maylis Bouffartigue, Véronique Couzon, Pierre Barbieux, Bernard Bombeau, Patrick Dell'Isola, Anne Carlier, Eliane Annie Adalto, Geneviève Capy

Synopsis of La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003)

We are in the year 1871. A journalist for Versailles Television broadcasts a soothing and official view of events while a Commune television is set up to provide the perspectives of the Paris rebels. On a stage-like set, more than 200 actors interpret characters of the Commune, especially the Popincourt neighbourhood in the XIth arrondissement. They voice their own thoughts and feelings concerning the social and political reforms. The scenes consist mainly of long camera takes.

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Well, La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003) itselft directed by Peter Watkins, Romuald Weber and Starring by Piotr Daskiewicz, Nicole Defer, Maylis Bouffartigue, Véronique Couzon, Pierre Barbieux, Bernard Bombeau, Patrick Dell'Isola, Anne Carlier, Eliane Annie Adalto, Geneviève Capy which made La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La Commune (Paris, 1871) (2003)

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