Movies Detail of More About the Children of Noisy Village (1987)
✓ Title : More About the Children of Noisy Village
✓ Original Title : Mer om oss barn i Bullerbyn
✓ Release Date : September 5th, 1987
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Lasse Hallström
✓ Writers : Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren
✓ Company : Svensk Filmindustri
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Ellen Demérus, Harald Lönnbro, Linda Bergström, Ingwar Svensson, Crispin Dickson Wendenius, Tove Edfeldt, Ann-Sofie Knape, Sören Petersson, Anna Sahlin, Henrik Larsson
✓ Original Title : Mer om oss barn i Bullerbyn
✓ Release Date : September 5th, 1987
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Lasse Hallström
✓ Writers : Astrid Lindgren, Astrid Lindgren
✓ Company : Svensk Filmindustri
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Ellen Demérus, Harald Lönnbro, Linda Bergström, Ingwar Svensson, Crispin Dickson Wendenius, Tove Edfeldt, Ann-Sofie Knape, Sören Petersson, Anna Sahlin, Henrik Larsson
Synopsis of More About the Children of Noisy Village (1987)
There are only a handful of children living in Bullarby. This film follows their story through the fall and winter, picking up at the moment "The Children of Noisy Village" finishes.
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Well, More About the Children of Noisy Village (1987) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The More About the Children of Noisy Village (1987) itselft directed by Lasse Hallström and Starring by Ellen Demérus, Harald Lönnbro, Linda Bergström, Ingwar Svensson, Crispin Dickson Wendenius, Tove Edfeldt, Ann-Sofie Knape, Sören Petersson, Anna Sahlin, Henrik Larsson which made More About the Children of Noisy Village (1987) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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