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Dolores (2016)

Movies Detail of Dolores (2016)

✓ Title : Dolores
✓ Release Date : August 18th, 2016
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Juan Dickinson
✓ Writer : Juan Dickinson
✓ Company : Valkyria Filmes
✓ Countries : Argentina, Brazil
✓ Cast : Manuel Vicente, Guillermo Pfening, Matías Mayer, Mara Bestelli, Emilia Attías, Roberto Birindelli, Tania Ruiz Gambini, Jandir Ferrari

Synopsis of Dolores (2016)

DOLORES tells the story of a young woman of Scottish descent who returns to the Argentine pampas after her sister dies, to take care of her eight-year-old nephew- but drawn also by the juvenile love she still feels for her English brother-in-law, Jack. Her love story develops in the context of the onset of World War II: while the echoes of war get ever closer, the dispute between Germans and Anglos turns personal when Dolores is seduced by a neighbouring landowner of German descent, Octavio Brandt- he becomes an unexpected love, and from now on Dolores is torn between Octavio and Jack, as Argentina changes for ever. In a society dominated by men, Dolores must now also forge her unique destiny.

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Well, Dolores (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dolores (2016) itselft directed by Juan Dickinson and Starring by Manuel Vicente, Guillermo Pfening, Matías Mayer, Mara Bestelli, Emilia Attías, Roberto Birindelli, Tania Ruiz Gambini, Jandir Ferrari which made Dolores (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dolores (2016)

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