Movies Detail of Paradise: Faith (2012)
✓ Title : Paradise: Faith
✓ Original Title : Paradies: Glaube
✓ Release Date : August 29th, 2012
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Director : Ulrich Seidl
✓ Writers : Ulrich Seidl, Veronika Franz
✓ Companies : Ulrich Seidl Filmproduktion, Tatfilm, Coproduction Office
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany, France
✓ Cast : Sevinc Jafarova, Rene Rupnik, Natalya Baranova, Gulcan Jafarova, Dieter Masur, Trude Masur, Michaela Hurdes-Galli, Maria Hofstätter, Daniel Hoesl, Nabil Saleh
✓ Original Title : Paradies: Glaube
✓ Release Date : August 29th, 2012
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Director : Ulrich Seidl
✓ Writers : Ulrich Seidl, Veronika Franz
✓ Companies : Ulrich Seidl Filmproduktion, Tatfilm, Coproduction Office
✓ Countries : Austria, Germany, France
✓ Cast : Sevinc Jafarova, Rene Rupnik, Natalya Baranova, Gulcan Jafarova, Dieter Masur, Trude Masur, Michaela Hurdes-Galli, Maria Hofstätter, Daniel Hoesl, Nabil Saleh
Synopsis of Paradise: Faith (2012)
Second film in Ulrich Seidl's Paradise trilogy. A devout Catholic woman practises her religion at home and in the local community, but is unprepared for the reappearance of her estranged husband, who is a Muslim.
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Well, Paradise: Faith (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Paradise: Faith (2012) itselft directed by Ulrich Seidl and Starring by Sevinc Jafarova, Rene Rupnik, Natalya Baranova, Gulcan Jafarova, Dieter Masur, Trude Masur, Michaela Hurdes-Galli, Maria Hofstätter, Daniel Hoesl, Nabil Saleh which made Paradise: Faith (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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