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Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998)

Movies Detail of Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998)

✓ Title : Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences)
✓ Original Title : Le plaisir (et ses petits tracas)
✓ Release Date : August 4th, 1998
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Director : Nicolas Boukhrief
✓ Countries : France, Italy, Luxembourg
✓ Cast : Caroline Cellier, Julie Gayet, Michele Placido, Vincent Cassel, Foued Nassah, Mathieu Kassovitz, Monica Bellucci, Florence Thomassin

Synopsis of Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998)

Seemingly unrelated events connect several people: a young wounded soldier, a nurse, a failed comedian, and a murderer.

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Well, Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998) itselft directed by Nicolas Boukhrief and Starring by Caroline Cellier, Julie Gayet, Michele Placido, Vincent Cassel, Foued Nassah, Mathieu Kassovitz, Monica Bellucci, Florence Thomassin which made Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences) (1998)

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