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Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)

Movies Detail of Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)

✓ Title : Fun with Dick and Jane
✓ Release Date : December 21st, 2005
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Dean Parisot, Wilma Garscadden-Gahret, Richard Oswald, Richard Graves, Cecilia Sweatman, Andrew Ward
✓ Writers : Judd Apatow, Judd Apatow, Nicholas Stoller, Nicholas Stoller, Gerald Gaiser, Timothy Burgard
✓ Companies : JC 23 Entertainment, Imagine Entertainment, Columbia Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jim Carrey, John Michael Higgins, Gloria Garayua, Angie Harmon, Téa Leoni, Aaron Michael Drozin, Richard Jenkins, Alec Baldwin, Carlos Jacott, Richard Burgi

Synopsis of Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)

After Dick Harper loses his job at Globodyne in an Enron-esque collapse, he and his wife, Jane, turn to crime in order to handle the massive debt they now face. Two intelligent people, Dick and Jane actually get pretty good at robbing people and even enjoy it -- but they have second thoughts when they're reminded that crime can hurt innocent people. When the couple hears that Globodyne boss Jack McCallister actually swindled the company, they plot revenge.

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Well, Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) itselft directed by Dean Parisot, Wilma Garscadden-Gahret, Richard Oswald, Richard Graves, Cecilia Sweatman, Andrew Ward and Starring by Jim Carrey, John Michael Higgins, Gloria Garayua, Angie Harmon, Téa Leoni, Aaron Michael Drozin, Richard Jenkins, Alec Baldwin, Carlos Jacott, Richard Burgi which made Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)

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