Movies Detail of An American Tail (1986)
✓ Title : An American Tail
✓ Release Date : November 21st, 1986
✓ Genres : Drama, Family, Animation, Adventure, Music
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Don Bluth, David J. Steinberg, Sue Shakespeare
✓ Writers : David Kirschner, Tony Geiss, Tony Geiss, Judy Freudberg, Judy Freudberg
✓ Companies : Amblin Entertainment, Universal Pictures, Sullivan Bluth Studios
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Cathy Cavadini, Christopher Plummer, Pat Musick, John P. Finnegan, Hal Smith, Cathianne Blore, Erica Yohn, Nehemiah Persoff, Will Ryan, Phillip Glasser
✓ Release Date : November 21st, 1986
✓ Genres : Drama, Family, Animation, Adventure, Music
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Don Bluth, David J. Steinberg, Sue Shakespeare
✓ Writers : David Kirschner, Tony Geiss, Tony Geiss, Judy Freudberg, Judy Freudberg
✓ Companies : Amblin Entertainment, Universal Pictures, Sullivan Bluth Studios
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Cathy Cavadini, Christopher Plummer, Pat Musick, John P. Finnegan, Hal Smith, Cathianne Blore, Erica Yohn, Nehemiah Persoff, Will Ryan, Phillip Glasser
Synopsis of An American Tail (1986)
A young mouse named Fievel and his family decide to migrate to America, a "land without cats," at the turn of the 20th century. But somehow, Fievel ends up in the New World alone and must fend off not only the felines he never thought he'd have to deal with again but also the loneliness of being away from home.
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Well, An American Tail (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The An American Tail (1986) itselft directed by Don Bluth, David J. Steinberg, Sue Shakespeare and Starring by Cathy Cavadini, Christopher Plummer, Pat Musick, John P. Finnegan, Hal Smith, Cathianne Blore, Erica Yohn, Nehemiah Persoff, Will Ryan, Phillip Glasser which made An American Tail (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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