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The Pink Conspiracy (2008)

Movies Detail of The Pink Conspiracy (2008)

✓ Title : The Pink Conspiracy
✓ Release Date : November 11th, 2008
✓ Genres : Comedy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Directors : Marc Clebanoff, Heather Askew, Brian Scott Miller
✓ Writers : Marc Clebanoff, Brian Scott Miller
✓ Company : Odyssey Motion Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Sarah Thompson, Mercedes McNab, Tricia O'Kelley, Frank Krueger, James Russo, Bradley Snedeker, Dayton Callie, Mackenzie Firgens, Tom Lister Jr., Chad Everett

Synopsis of The Pink Conspiracy (2008)

Dave is convinced that his knock-out girlfriend Jamie is cheating on him, despite his best friend Victoria's reassurance that it's all in his head. When his life begins to unravel, both at work as well as in his relationship, Dave's suspicions overwhelm him and he stumbles upon a discovery that turns his world upside down. After following Jamie to a "study group" one night, Dave is shocked to learn that his girlfriend is the leader of a conspiratorial group of ex girlfriends, whose sole purpose is to torment him and ruin his life. Following the discovery, Dave finds himself tumbling through a series of adventures as he attempts to unveil the truth, all while getting his life back on track. With the guidance of several questionable comrades, and the help of the conspirators' alluring new but reluctant recruit Katie, Dave ultimately pieces the puzzle together and finds out the hard way that sometimes true love is worth fighting for.

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Well, The Pink Conspiracy (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Pink Conspiracy (2008) itselft directed by Marc Clebanoff, Heather Askew, Brian Scott Miller and Starring by Sarah Thompson, Mercedes McNab, Tricia O'Kelley, Frank Krueger, James Russo, Bradley Snedeker, Dayton Callie, Mackenzie Firgens, Tom Lister Jr., Chad Everett which made The Pink Conspiracy (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Pink Conspiracy (2008)

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