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Sanky Panky 3 (2018)

Movies Detail of Sanky Panky 3 (2018)

✓ Title : Sanky Panky 3
✓ Release Date : March 18th, 2018
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Eduardo Ortiz
✓ Writer : Miguel Morales
✓ Company : Piñollywood
✓ Countries : Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
✓ Cast : Tony Pascual, Rafa Sánchez, Jazmin Caratini, Omar Cruz Soto, Fausto Mata, Aquiles Correa, Rafael Sánchez Navarro

Synopsis of Sanky Panky 3 (2018)

Genaro, Chelo and Carlitos finally reach their goal of leaving the Dominican Republic in search of a visa, but in Puerto Rico they still can't stop getting in trouble.

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Well, Sanky Panky 3 (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sanky Panky 3 (2018) itselft directed by Eduardo Ortiz and Starring by Tony Pascual, Rafa Sánchez, Jazmin Caratini, Omar Cruz Soto, Fausto Mata, Aquiles Correa, Rafael Sánchez Navarro which made Sanky Panky 3 (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sanky Panky 3 (2018)

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