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Under the Starry Sky (2014)

Movies Detail of Under the Starry Sky (2014)

✓ Title : Under the Starry Sky
✓ Original Title : Des étoiles
✓ Release Date : January 29th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Dyana Gaye
✓ Writers : Cécile Vargaftig, Dyana Gaye
✓ Company : Andolfi
✓ Countries : Senegal, Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Ralph Amoussou, Marème Demba Ly, Mata Gabin, Andrei Zayats, Babacar M'Baye Fall, Sokhna Niang, Sabine Pakora, Maya Sansa, Johanna Kabou, Souleymane Seye Ndiaye

Synopsis of Under the Starry Sky (2014)

The debut feature from Franco-Senegalese filmmaker Dyana Gaye charts the interconnected destinies of three far-flung sojourners across three continents. A quiet drama, about the anxieties of negotiating journeying to foreign countries and making a place for oneself in the world.

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Well, Under the Starry Sky (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Under the Starry Sky (2014) itselft directed by Dyana Gaye and Starring by Ralph Amoussou, Marème Demba Ly, Mata Gabin, Andrei Zayats, Babacar M'Baye Fall, Sokhna Niang, Sabine Pakora, Maya Sansa, Johanna Kabou, Souleymane Seye Ndiaye which made Under the Starry Sky (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Under the Starry Sky (2014)

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