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Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013)

Movies Detail of Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013)

✓ Title : Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir
✓ Release Date : December 25th, 2013
✓ Genres : War, Crime, Drama, History, Adventure, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 107 minutes
✓ Director : Francis Villacorta
✓ Writer : Francis Villacorta
✓ Company : Hubo Productions
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Roberto Correa, Christian Vasquez, Carlo Gonzalez, Mercedes Cabral, CJ Santos, Ryan Eigenmann, Jestoni Alarcon, Posh Develos, Rocco Nacino, Victor Basa

Synopsis of Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013)

Pedro Calungsod, a young Filipino man, leaves his Visayan native roots to join the Spanish Jesuit priest Fr. Diego de San Vitores in his mission to the Marianas Islands (Guam) in 1668. The San Diego Mission arrives in the Marianas where the young Pedro, a trained catechist and mission assistant, begins work for Fr. Diego de San Vitores in baptizing the Chamorro natives, preaching the holy gospel and spreading the good news of salvation through the Christian faith amidst paganism, doubt and disbelief. Despite the longing for his father and the threats to their lives, even at the peril of death, Pedro and Fr. Diego continued their missionary work. They roamed the dangerous islands and baptized many more natives and continued to enlighten them about Christianity.

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Well, Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013) itselft directed by Francis Villacorta and Starring by Roberto Correa, Christian Vasquez, Carlo Gonzalez, Mercedes Cabral, CJ Santos, Ryan Eigenmann, Jestoni Alarcon, Posh Develos, Rocco Nacino, Victor Basa which made Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (2013)

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