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My Guys (2014)

Movies Detail of My Guys (2014)

✓ Title : My Guys
✓ Release Date : March 4th, 2014
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Joseph Antaki
✓ Writer : Joseph Antaki
✓ Cast : Catherine Castellucci, Jimmy Duperval, Pamela Koren, Joseph Antaki, Francois Bryon, Martin Doepner, Adrien Benn, Martin Brisebois, Francis Moreau, Kendall Savage

Synopsis of My Guys (2014)

My Guys is a light-hearted comedy revolving around the trials and tribulations of Georgette and her entourage of gay men. This twenty-nine year old, full figured waitress is rather content with her lot until an unwelcomed guest blows her little world to pieces. Enter Janine Theresa Douglas directly from the pages of a fashion magazine. She is tall, skinny and loves to drink...the ideal woman! And she wants Georgette's guys, but Georgette doesn't take the challenge lying down. She hatches a plan to rid herself of this interloper, but the outcome is not necessarily the one Georgette had anticipated.

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Well, My Guys (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The My Guys (2014) itselft directed by Joseph Antaki and Starring by Catherine Castellucci, Jimmy Duperval, Pamela Koren, Joseph Antaki, Francois Bryon, Martin Doepner, Adrien Benn, Martin Brisebois, Francis Moreau, Kendall Savage which made My Guys (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

My Guys (2014)

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